a decent rapper who gets alot of shit because he is an easy target.
reasonable person 1: remember when 50 cent was in his prime, his songs where great!
reasonable person 2: eh, he was ok
reasonable person 3: i don't really like his songs, he raps a lot about money, cars, and other generic stuff.
PC police: his songs are homophobic, sexist, and probably Islamophobic somehow
random shitlord: he is fake and gay, surviving a gunshot in the head is not impressive, he should have shot back even though he did not have a gun with him when he was shot.
Wanksta(wannabe gangster): I love fiddy! G-UNIT! G-UNIT! I'll whoop your head boi! i'm so gangster you don't even know
by icecoldchris10 June 26, 2018
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Someone that likes to hang from the ceiling in the middle of the Super Bowl
Person 1: Hey, you see that guy hanging from the ceiling
Person 2: Yeah, reminds me of 50 Cent
by BigBoiMFer February 23, 2022
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A shitty rapper who only ever sings about shooting people and having sex.
If you are a fan of 50 cent then you need to jump off a bridge
by Rotten Turkey November 8, 2022
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a rapper who is a afraid to say i saved his life when he got in some shit and i expect the same from you enough to know i live forever before 5
"that dam baby rapist didnt save 50 cent life" "word is bond 50 cent"
by BlancoFamily January 15, 2022
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i love u 50 you are hot
the song candy shop is my boi's favriot song it is so sweet
sorry 50 but did em' help you write the 5 difrent lines u just repete them ovr ond over not dissin ya but em' is ginuse
he is also hotttt
beauty and brains
a nice
by marshall mathers new wife June 10, 2005
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A popular rapper and actor who got wayyy too much hate here like god damn.

People are saying that he uses the same flow and that'd be true if you were a fucking dumbass. His feature songs like The Re-Up and Never Enough, have great verses by him and even on some of his own songs he does great (see Life's On The Line, Don't Push Me, GATman and Robbin and Psycho). From what I see here, people always judge him on songs like Candy Shop and songs like that, and to that I say... so? That's like judging, let's say Eminem only for his song My Name Is. That'd be stupid, right? I don't even care if they're from decades ago, actually listen to some of his albums and mixtapes, then come back and state your opinion/bullshit.
Dumbass: 50 Cent is the worst thing to happen to hip-hop
Me: Have you actually listened to some of his songs?
Dumbass: Nah, I just hate on him because it's cool to do
Me: Get your stupid ass outta here.
by fire blades August 29, 2021
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When you are 100% about something. Without a doubt.
by Full stop February 22, 2016
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