A design from an apparel company who only makes shirts targeted to people named Caleb. A few iterations of designs with other names on it.
"I'm Caleb doing Caleb things!" "wtf does that mean??" "Yeah."
by CthulusCousin October 11, 2022
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A whale-like creature that can only understand mooing sounds. You will find a 18 year old boy still attached to Caleb's Mom's umbilical cord. You will also find a bible ten feet up her ass. This creature lives in Pennsylvania. Watch out!
"That bitch... She's such a Caleb's Mom"
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The best relationship the world has ever seen
Have you seen Jamie and Caleb?
by Cat flip December 6, 2017
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A majestic couple that loves each other very much. Caleb usually doesn't care about Alexas scrunchies because he gives them to Mr. Newburry. Caleb loves Alexa with his whole heart, and he wants to get married to her, and have 28882 children with her. Even though if they have that many kids they will have no more money. So they will end up being poor and living happily ever after in their little cottage.
Caleb and Alexa are gonna have a lot of kids!!
by I dont like names May 21, 2019
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An autistic child who falls for girls too easily. He complains about the company Apple but yet has a new iPhone, and Apple Watch. Plus he has special secret tickle time with his sister
Woah don’t be a Caleb hurst
by Fireball52101 March 14, 2019
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