Something you don’t have 👶🏼 And neither do I do I can’t say anything 🤨
Brian:do you have a life
You:haha no
Brian: haha

You: no seriously

by Bbg😏 May 16, 2021
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Being happy, useful and active in your existance.
Person: He spends all on discord grooming child. He doesn't have a life.
by MCDJSD360 September 24, 2022
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A foreigner who squanders opportunity after opportunity, until you must be returned to the homeland. A tale of "from rags to rags"
The a-life, purposely got himself fired from the jewelry store to smoke weed.
by anarchyxrulz February 22, 2021
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When someone is taking something normal and taking it to the Extreme.
When Tommy said he got some new J's and they were some Walmart fall apart Boosting life
by Reality9087 July 14, 2017
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