Strange white box thingy that Nintendo created on November 1st 2006 for rich white people wave white remotes at; to pledge their allegiance to Satan.
Priest: I haven't see your son in a while now, is he okay?

Mom: Oh our Johnny's been in his room playing the Wii for six months now, I've heard its great for young minds!

Johnny: God is a lie Super Mario Smash Brothers is the almighty creator! Come forth my Nintendo brethren!
by Emperor Momo July 31, 2018
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The thing that set Nintendo back 7 years
by Red4728472 January 3, 2021
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by WII LOVER April 1, 2018
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The 5th generation of Nintendo's video game consoles. Also, it is a total chick magnet. If you are going to have a small party with friends and you have some girls over, bust out the wii. Its easy to use controls and ability to make people interact is great entertainment.
Guy1: I have no ideas on how to entertain the girls. what should i do?

Guy2: bust out the wii!
by serjsoadfan January 5, 2008
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The best dang Console ever made
Mom I’m going to GameStop too play the Wii demo
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