Hot Girl: wiggles her toes in his face
Boy: damn ur hot but crazy, pinch my grandma with a crowbar?
by Prince c4spian December 6, 2022
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is a dude who came out of no where and turns up everywhere .
he seems cool at first but theres something about him that just isnt right. something that keeps you from giving away trade secrets or trusting him completely.
word on the street is that pinche calle is a informant for the man.
so watch your back.
by perry mackey September 29, 2018
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It means you're beautiful and anyone would die for you .
Have you see Letty? She's one pinche genio...
by Seeenjekelwkwn February 10, 2017
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When you need to take a fast poop, usually in a public setting.
I had coffee with dessert and had to do a push and pinch before we left.
by Furry Croc March 12, 2022
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To void excrement from the bowels through the anus. Drop a deuce, defecate.
Man I gotta pinch a rat!
by Hephaestus June 26, 2021
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whistle bit
caught between the hour hand and the minute hand
we got clock pinched for lunch
by duckmans December 2, 2011
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