monkey try

To throw shit in the dark and hope it sticks.

Doing something with little to no guidance.
Boss: I need you to work on this project

Associate: I have ever never been trained on that.

Boss: give it a good Monkey Try.
by Kn0wledge is P0wer January 19, 2017
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What the annoying video professor guy says repeatedly to try to get you to fall for his scam.
So what have you got to lose? Try my product!!
by Waselhorns1980 May 27, 2023
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Some one who can never stop trying 110% all the time in any video game. They are usually found in cod, they often times yell at their teammates if they die and flaunt their high scores (if they have achieved one). In shooter games like cod or halo try-hards usually never play custom games, they always want to gain in game currency to buy camos or outfits. This means if someone does not want to play a custom game because they can't gain currency from it (which in most games custom games do not reward in game currency because people would boost) they are most likely a try-hard.
Try hard "OMFG I died cuz u weren't behind meeee!!!!!"
Gamer "bro u died cuz u ran in like a retard! its no ones fault but yours"
Try hard "Bro shut up cuz im carrying 16 to 2!!!!!"
Gamers "no one cares u sweaty try hard, ur trying 110% its a game bro!"

Some one who can never stop trying 110% all the time in any video game. They are usually found in cod, they often times yell at their teammates if they die and flaunt their high scores (if they have achieved one). In shooter games like cod or halo try-hards usually never play custom games, they always want to gain in game currency to buy camos or outfits. This means if someone does not want to play a custom game because they can't gain currency from it (which in most games custom games do not reward in game currency because people would boost) they are most likely a try-hard.
by faze hatred unleashed March 30, 2017
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A person who plays too much Fortnite/ Call of Duty and won't give up.
"Jesus Christ! How long has this guy been playing that game?"

"He's a try-hard, he won't playing until he gets a win."
by Wiztik March 8, 2018
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Someone who puts a lot of effort into something and takes it WAY too seriously.
Tyler’s throwing a fit now because he lost his Call of Duty match for the 4th time in a row. He’s such a try-hard. It’s just a video game!
by JimsBooty April 22, 2020
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A person that is sweaty but plays with intensity in any game,COD,PuBG,or Apex, any shooter game ...
Yo Bobby look at this fool,coming around the backside fraging with nads; this dude is a try hard..
by WxxDxx13 March 29, 2020
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Someone who tries to hard to be cool or prove a point when in reality they are just fucken stupid
Wow! Look at jack what fucking try hard.
by Nicetryjack December 14, 2019
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