Neo-nazist running a forum for the fan game Super Mario Brothers X. Also composes electronic music under the name of Excitium
Username1: Gee, my profile says I'm jewish. I hope Joey Miller doesn't find out.
by Egggg September 12, 2016
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another word for a bratchet aka a ratchet, basic bitch
Hey, you going to the mall tonight.

No, I hear Joey Kress is going to be there.

God, she's so bratchet.
by nickyoung48 February 12, 2013
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A joey shack is a 3-sided, unattached shed roof structure added-on to the entrance of a trailer or house. When you pull the trailer out, the shack stays behind. Basically an extra storage room, a couple of sheets of plywood wide/long, for rain gear, canned goods, firewood, etc.

(Definition by Al Cool)
Ethan became anxious when a group of women rioted past the front windows of the trailer into the joey shack.
by QEDNULL February 27, 2019
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A canine that has the blood curtailing howl of a man with a singular "lazy" eye

A woman that is regarded as having a wonderful personality with a "lazy" eye
"Aidan's dog is a total Joey Cuh."

"So what if she is a Joey Cuh, I still think sh is pretty cool."
by CollinEsmier :) June 20, 2022
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when your friend busts a nut
yo look bryan just joey nutted
by jahee nutt September 24, 2017
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a weird and short loser who is only friends with the teachers. No one likes them even the teachers dont
Shes such a loser she lets us call her Lil Joey
by Gingerholls May 21, 2022
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