an autistic little shit that cant stop grabbing at other mens dicks. he wears a strap on and sucks it all fucking night. no one knows were he came from bit we are trying to so we can bomb it so another shit fuck like this doesn't come to this world. his dick is the size of a fucking kit kat and his fucking hair be looking like a traffic cone. he also wears the gayest goggles and
wow look at that caleb colman fucking his hamster
by fn2817 November 29, 2017
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A friend you do not want to have. He is a jerk and will leave you to hang out with "cooler" people when he is really not cool at all
Do NOT be friends with that Caleb Wagner
by mickeymouseclubber June 5, 2011
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A story told by one unsuspectingly stupid person, perhaps has no end in sight or just does not make sense in the end, ultimately making you laugh at them not with them and wasting 12 minutes of your day.
Hey guys! so remember that episode of..... then i fell over you had to be there.
Wow dude way to tell a friggen Caleb Story... faggot
by Kalaabesriam November 29, 2009
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A very Rude intruder into the friendship/Love life of two others. An obvious outsider who is oblivious to the fact that he is a third wheel in an otherwise perfect relationship. Usually ignorant of his obvious exclusion.
This Caleb Lynch keeps trying to get between me and my girlfriend!
by CarawithaSoul November 21, 2011
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Caleb Croft is the most amazing guy in world to me! he is sweet,has the best blue eyes!, a killer smile, makes you laugh without trying, on your worsted days he will make you smile. & he has a sexy ass body! Hes totally riped! Gives the best hugs in the world! & is the best boyfriend in the world he will do what ever it takes to make his woman feel wanted,happy,& apresheated. If you ever find yourself a Caleb Croft don't let him go! Cause then you'll really know what you missing<3
girl1- Who are you dating

girl2- Caleb Croft!
girl1- Holy shit! Girl I wish I was you!!
girl2- I know hes amazing!
by I think I like you!!<3 January 9, 2011
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He's a good friend but can be very immature and is to load when he cusses around your parents. He doesn't know how to shut up when you tell him to. He cries like a little baby when his mom spanks him. He can be mature at times but its not usual for him. He acts so damn stupid he's like an autistic kid that smoked 10 lbs of weed and ate 20 bags of jelly belly beans. Btw he's fat as fuck and doesn't know how to lose weight. And he try's to fit in but he just can't.
Girl: who's the fat fuck?
Boy: oh the retard over there Caleb Cox? Don't get near him he'll eat you then take your food! And act stupid as fuck while doing it!
by unknownperson00011 April 8, 2018
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so caleb is pretty darn sexi!!:)

he has a nice bod and nice ass.... :0
i am dating him...

thats rite be jelious!!! :)
caleb sanford
my man
by his sexi amazing girlfriend February 5, 2010
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