An overwhelming feeling of nostalgia caused unexpectedly that can cause you to drop whatever you were working on or thinking about, and just drown you in memories. It takes hold of your actions and thoughts, and bends you to the will of your past experiences, in a similar manner of how a virus (the disease variant) will completely overwhelm a host.
I found a cool Spotify playlist the other day full of songs from 2012 and stuff, and was listening to it while doing the dishes, when We are young came on, and I had a case of sudden virus nostalgia from my sophomore year in high school.
by TheJoeRoganExperience September 28, 2019
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for idiots that go ahead and act as a typical black twitter woman. the symptoms for this virus include being gay, goign "um chile", being a faggot, always going "white people need to die", or being racist to white people
"You have the Cody Virus. I'm getting you medical attention
by ROMABABE!!! February 25, 2021
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When you hang around someone that acts like a fucktard and you start acting like a fucktard , you have caught the fucktard virus
Dude you hung around that fucktard for so long you caught his fucktard virus.
by Sarawr419 March 21, 2017
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Virus that began at the end of 2022 that congest the throat and cusses respiratory issues.
He kept trying to clear his throat, because he had the illness caused by The GOAT Virus.
by November 13, 2022
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The virus stores/companies catch if they make a woke ahh decision. Like Bud Light put Dylan Mulvaney in their commercials and cans. And Target putting woke ahh shirts for children in their stores. wtf.
Bro Target caught the BUD LIGHT VIRUS. I hope Busch Light doesn't catch it
by Kanye Southeast May 31, 2023
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A deadly digital virus caused by the one and only rosé it's unstoppable, your worsé with slowysé start autocorrectingsé into the sé languagsé

s e n d s é

h e l p s é
Person 2: Oh no... He has the Sé Virus
by Im_dyinghelp May 10, 2020
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The “Hidweh Virus” is a very common disease. To notice if someone has become sick there are 3 things that you could possibly notice.

1. They will post bad takes and have the worst opinion of all time.

2. Everything they post may flop and not reach the view count they wish they could.

3. They will say they’re quitting but post the very next day.
Person 1: *Post Bad Takes*

Person 2: Oh No, The Hidweh Virus
by callmethekishin August 12, 2022
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