443 means lets have sex in number code .
Ben: hey Emily 443
Emily: huh ?
Ben : nothing never mind
by Young.brezzy September 1, 2021
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Did You See “ 443” On Cam’s Arm? He’s Too Cool 😎. He’s Probably A Ravens Fan too. 🏈
by gohammm December 28, 2017
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The 443

Where all the pimps and playas are in bmore!
"Yo,where goin tonite?"
The 443 Bitch!
by Randy F December 5, 2007
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443 Owned in the Face

A general term used for excessive blocks/restrictions on internet access.

The term derives from port 443, the HTTPS or "secure" port. Often times, students at schools or employees under a restrictive firewall would bypass web filters by using port 443 instead of 80 (standard HTTP). Once this caught on, administrators across the world started blocking port 443 on their restricted networks, leading to "443 owned in the face."
Jill: "Crap, I can't get to my email. But maybe if I try it through the secure port..."


Random Guy: "443 owned in the face!"
by Dylan Evans November 14, 2006
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