sexual activity in which a women grabs a glass (preferably those tiny ones turkish people use to drink their black tea yk what i mean) and squirts inside of it
A: OH MAN i totally did the whiskey in a hot glass last week
B: damn
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occurs when a male, usually at a social gathering involved with alcohol, does not have enough to drink and is therefore too nervous to get hard.
(arbitrary female): I tried to fuck Tommy last night but he couldn’t get hard. He seemed super embarrassed about it. I think he might’ve had anti whiskey dick.
by JCUD114 March 21, 2020
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When you drink and your body cant handle the whiskey so it gets pumped into your heart and makes your chest hurt.
I think u got whiskey chest.
by April 2, 2023
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Flaccid, impotent male genitals that result from consuming too much alcohol (esp. whiskey or bourbon).
"He got so drunk and later, in bed, he had a total whiskey tortoise. I lied and told him that it was fine and that all that mattered was being close to him."
by Tortoisemaster July 16, 2013
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Yo! Your doing that, na u whiskey.
by Worstceejay November 9, 2023
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A glorious alchomaholic beverage of luxury
I’m like a bottle of whiskey, put me on your lips
by airsoftking22 March 27, 2021
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Same rules as whiskey slap, but you slap bare asses instead. Good for all genders, a man can whiskey slap ass a woman with no regerts...
Friend 1: Wanna play whiskey slap?
Friend 2: I don't wanna play against Carol
Friend 1: we can play whiskey slap ass...
Friend 2: Yeah! I'd whiskey slap that ass!
by The Matthew Alan October 8, 2017
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