A huge mistake or blunder. This word can be used to humiliate or insult somebodys intellectual stature!
John made an a-dee-dee-dee when he spelled the word cat wrong in front of his class.
by ADEEDEEDEE September 25, 2009
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A word used when a person is excited or showing happy emotions.
hey man you did great today!”

SCRIBBLEY DEE POPOP man thank you!!”
by a normal girl with a cat January 19, 2022
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Also spelt as tweedledee, your tweedle dee is someone that is similar to you in looks, manner and behaviour, especially if you are idiotic or inept. Your tweedle dee is often your best friend.
Girl 1: (to girl two) Hey girl!
Girl 2: Hey girl! You my tweedle dee.
Girl 1: OMG thanks!
by MrBoy632 January 21, 2021
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Your tweedle dee is often your best friend, and is similar to you in mannerisms, behaviour and looks, especially if you are idiotic or inept.
Girl 1: Hey girl!
Girl 2! Hey! You my tweedle dee.
Girl 1: OMG thanks
by MrBoy632 January 21, 2021
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the man, the legend himself .... a true SAVAGE MOTHER FUCKER ... This man gets cross faded, drunk, high and he fucks bitches all night long. He pulls all the ladys including the one and only MAE JACKSON.
boy “was that sammy dees
girl “holy shit yea
boy “i have now seen god himself”
by taylor kinkaid January 3, 2019
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She is a supporting friend and very funny can be annoying she always has your back whatever and she loves sausage rolls
by November 22, 2021
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a group of slang words created by @lowwkeedee, @seefazo. includes adding words to existing words to sound cooler and create a new definition
dee lingo is cool i use it all the time
by lowwkeedee April 11, 2023
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