Problem solver. Available 24x7 to help. Someone who will help you achieve your dreams. Great with finances! Believes in the 3Fs of life - Fun, Family, Future.

The only company you want to be in.
I am with Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Ltd.. I have never felt so valued in my life!
by happyuser@123 December 14, 2021
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Problem solver. Available 24x7 to help. Someone who will help you achieve your dreams. Great with finances! Believes in the 3Fs of life - Fun, Family, Future.

The only company you want to be in.
“I am with Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Ltd.. I have never felt so valued in my life!”
by happyuser@123 December 14, 2021
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(Noun, Adj) Describtion: Word that is used for an individual who is under the influence of drugs.
"That girl is a real Capital 8, always strung out."
by ThatCapital8Bitch November 7, 2019
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Yes crimes against capitalism exist. However this crime is currently not achievable unless G-d says capitalism can't exist.
Commit a crime against capitalism is committed when normal people go nuts 🙃 and want to replace capitalism with their own liberal woke ideas. Punishment: remove people like Bill Gates and John Kerry from all levers of power.
by Sexydimma November 26, 2022
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Cordaniy, Capital is UN-ESCWA, Pronunciation Yoon Eskooaa
by Lerim Mona August 7, 2022
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A form of capitalism where you are implanted with microchips on your heart so the leaders can kill you whenever you want. 8 months of military service a year is required and in the 4 months you need to make 1mil to pay for your military food. If you pay someone more than they ask for they get arrested for scamming you and if you don't pay enough you get brutally executed. The leaders of a competitive capitalist society are 𝗡𝗢𝗧 corrupt and really nice
Oh damn i am 35c of my Competive Capitalism®©™ million dollar quota and i dont want me and my family to be brutally killed, jimmy can i borrow some money?
by ascii art is gay January 13, 2023
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Wow, you should have seen her last night Richard... a real capital c.. ewww..
by Petesbeeps September 8, 2017
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