When two dudes wrap their flacid members around each other like two ends of a twist tie and wait for them to become erect so they can start bouncin'
My boy can lock snakes so hard, it's like his johnson is jointed.
by Just_R May 26, 2018
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When someone tells off someone else purposley to get them to do what they want
Jenny: Alice pick up my cards you pushed on the floor
Alice: no
Jenny:I'm using the snake power
(Jenny tells teacher)
Teacher:Alice pick up the cards you pushed on the floor
by Foreveryung November 29, 2013
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When one masturbates under water
"Fred got kicked out of the local swim club for drowning the snake during adult swim."
by Andrew Trivett January 10, 2008
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Sore throat caused by giving a deep throat blowjob
Got the best blowjob of my life last night but the next morning my girlfriend complained of snake throat.
by Love Canal March 25, 2014
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The act where a friend and yourself whip out one's penis and slap it on someone's passed out face at the same time.
Guy 1- "Whoa...John passed out again, wanna give him the dueling snakes...no homo?"

Guy 2- "Sure bro, it's what he gets for drinking the rest of my whiskey anyways"
by lolololol40 January 23, 2011
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Guy:1 Whats the most awkward thing thats ever happened to you?
Guy:2 This one time when me and my dad were tuggin the snakes we made eye contact. Wasnt able to beat my meat again for a whole month.
by Snaketugger3000 October 20, 2020
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The colloquial name for the mighty Brisbane River, a river whose chocolatey brown appearance would inspire the envy of the candy man himself, William Wonka.

Legend has it the river got its infamous colour from the lack of amenities further upstream in Ipswich, though this is to be doubted since toilets have existed in Ipswich since at least 1866 during the reign of Sir John Murphy MBE. I personally believe they just do it for shits and gigs because Ipswich is full of crackheads.
"G'day cob, d'ya hear 'bout tha lil' fella who fell in the brown snake the other day?"
"Leave me alone Darren."
"Got his toes bitten of by a bull, mate. Ambos said there wasn't enough penicillin in the whole of Brissy so they just chucked him back in"
by majesticasf November 17, 2021
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