To believe that your opinion or state of mind is always correct or right, when in reality there is very obvious evidence to suggest otherwise. In other words to act like a Melissa
Melissa thought that everyone wanted to be just like her to validate her own character, which truly showed her own ignorance.
by Rileyblondie6969 May 23, 2023
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His ignorance was rooted in him using totally unreliable sources for the information he needed.
They proudly flaunted their ignorance spouting direct quotes from U.D.
by Nieman Nescio March 16, 2016
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Refer to the link posted in the tag.
The person seen in the tagged video above is the human embodiment of ignorance.
by Fo0k_y0u December 9, 2021
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The act of not knowing something but insisting that you know it...
Melanie: no Linda, that's not how it's done

Linda: chill! , I know this . I've done this before

Melanie: urgh! You're so full of ignorance
by Mamonyene June 11, 2017
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It means to not know so therefore you do not care. Ignorance is beautiful and keeps your innocence hence the phrase "innocence is bliss"
She was very ignorant.
She lacked the knowledge but was happy. Kind of SpongeBob, a dumb happy person.
She knew ignorance was bliss so she avoided knowing.

Do we really want to know what chicken nuggets are made of? No we want to stay ignorant.
by savvyd45 March 28, 2015
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to lack knowledge as hugely as a donkey
yo finsider you an ignorant donkey man
by notyofriendman May 15, 2011
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