The very thing that online arguments lack
Ey: My brand has much better prices as well as better and more revolutionary

design choices that truly help user.

Bee: But ur Bwand is rtrded! Fuk u and ior fuk innn famly!

Ey: You could really use a double dose of grammar, Bee
by Haishadesu October 27, 2017
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If you want this, I suggest you stop reading the Urban Dictionary.
I am a big fan of proper spelling and grammar.

Yeah, well, UD isn't.
by AcidHazard5 September 10, 2019
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a language that should never be used. it makes people feel stupid and waists time. I always use bad grammar because it is easier
I got bad Grammars
by Mr Almost Beast June 19, 2022
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The word you searched up because no-one seems to know what it is when it comes to the Urban Dictionary.
Didn't they teach you any grammar at school?
by Tony A Butt October 13, 2019
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Grammar its often used at a sentence when conversationing.
My Grammar its great this today.
by dell lo August 30, 2021
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Graham:your a piece of shit

Jim:actually its you're why don't you use grammar
by ghostrider2X50 September 9, 2017
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