The flush that follows after you ejaculate into the toilet (or into a tissue and then throw it into the toilet) and follow up immediately by sitting down, pissing and taking a shit
I was horny and I needed the toilet so I just did a 3in1 and followed up with a trinity flush
by Whoopsiedoodle October 14, 2020
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When you've clogged the absolute fuck out of your toilet, you resign yourself to go get the plunger, and then, you hear a sucking sound, and the water flows through your pipes and out of your bowl as it compelled by a higher power.
Man, I clogged the hell out of my toilet after I ate that bad burrito, I was praying for a miracle flush but I ended up just getting diarrhea all over my arms when I plunged the damn thing.
by Lone15 April 17, 2020
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Being so fat that as you flush the toilet and yet you have not managed to stand up all the way and your bollocks are washed by the incoming toilet flush.
Travis: "Hey, guys I was just ball flushing in the turdis (portable toilet), and I quite liked it"
by SgtChunder November 28, 2015
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It’s that bit of poo that no matter how well you flush, it breaks off and comes back.
Just left a flush bundle in the staff room toilets
by Parker face September 22, 2023
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Continuously deleting stupid social media posts such as political comments, religious views, and generally just stupid or offensive stuff.
I spend way too much time index-flushing these stupid posts!
by thegreatJOE January 23, 2017
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upon reaching tolietry facility, the pre flushing of the toilet before the feces is relocated. Usually used when a homosapien has to shit so bad and so loud, and knows it is going to require more than a courtesy flush. Matches in hand.
My shit was so bad i flushed before i started, it was a pre-meditated flush.
by Matt Hargis February 28, 2008
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Someone who gets very upset when a prior person did not flush the toilet, resulting in them having to flush it while pissed off.
"Who used the toilet and didn't flush again. It pisses me off when I have to flush for you." resulting in the act of an angry flush.

"You fuckers didn't flush the toilet again. This is a work place and I am not your mother, so FLUSH the damn toilet so I don't have to angry flush for you.
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