When a man is just about to ejaculate and the woman stops everything she is doing, grabs his penis and squeezes to prevent the ejaculation.
John: "I'm going to ejaculate..."
Mary: *Grabbing John's Penis* "Not until you have approval from corporate..."
by CanioTheRapper January 10, 2011
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when you get free drinks at a bar or restaurant because you know the manager or owner
I'm broke but I'm going to the bar tonight cause I got a corporate tab!
by hardhitr3 January 31, 2010
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The former band of useless loser Andrew McMahon. Whiny emos.
Something corporate hates some jordan chick. Losers.
by Downvoting Victim May 4, 2017
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A grown man in power or authority or one who achieves power or authority in a company usually via management, networking, or affiliation then begins to behave much like a spoil child or a high school bully. Nothing will make them grow up again until someone shoves their face in their own shit much like one has to do to train a cat or dog not to shit inside. Or until legal or HR catches up with their rampant bullshit and immature behavior.
Wow I'm sick of all these corporate baby men I wish anyone in this company had some balls or integrity.
by money beard March 3, 2018
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Similar to crony capitalism, yet still the same. It’s all in the left, my dear American friends.
Thanks to corporate communism, I got banned by TikTok. It was a horrible app anyway.
by Roof_Top_Koreans_ April 27, 2021
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