The act of vomiting, usually when inebriated; typically assuming the position flexed forward at the hips.
After a hard night with the party hat, I had a helluva bender.
by SteveL March 29, 2008
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Calling someone a 'Bender' is calling them either bisexual or a gender-bender, and the best thing about this word is that you don't have to decide which one it is! If you use it as an insult for banter without context, it means both simultaneously, meaning that you just cracked out a double whammy of an insult over your mate's head.
Ben: "I just want a cute and sweet girlfriend."

Michael: "I'm cute and sweet."

Ralph: "He said 'girlfriend' Michael you bender."
by SnexuSakesGlaz May 11, 2021
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When people want to call others gay but want a ‘cool’ way of saying it.
by Illosionman112 June 26, 2019
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En medlem av 9d
”Varje person i klassen 9D var en bender, tur att de gått ut!”
by Zuzipussy February 26, 2020
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A word commonly used by ice hockey players, to describe an absolutely horrible player, who's ankles hit the ice.
Hey look at that kid in house league, he's such a bender!
by Swagllamabender March 5, 2015
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Noun: One who bends at the ankles while skating.
Look at that kid I just deked out. He's such a bender!
by Bdizzle007 December 4, 2010
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Someone who’s ankles bend when they play hockey, or they basically just suck at it.
by Slimjimballs69 December 13, 2018
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