A method used by men who are obsessed with rich men and want to be them so bad because they always get girls. The bish method is used particularly to seduce women into having sexual intercourse with a trick used to get deep.
“Dude I tried the bish method on my girl last night, and it worked!”
by lockjawlovah July 29, 2022
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One of the two possible methods of making seitan (wheat meat) at home. WTF stands for 'wash the flour', since its literally done by washing the flour, which extracts the starch from the doughball made from wheat flour. It's the oldest method of making seitan and it comes from Asia. Everyone can do it, but it does require some practice.
1. Seitan appreciation society group:
"How do I make seitan?"
"Use the WTF method."
"What's that?"
"Read the group rules and old posts."

2. "Wow, this seitan is delicious, how did you make it?"
"I used the WTF method, it tastes way better than VWG."
by CharlieTheCarp August 19, 2022
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When someone or some thing touches another thing or person they touch every thing/person the other has ever touched or been touched by
I just shook robert downey jr.'s hand through the transactive method cause he opened the door in front of me then I opened it!!!
by logitek184 April 3, 2014
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The usage of a Tea Towel To dry out the recievers anal passage and dry off the givers penis. then perform the act of anal sex without any lubrication.
Tea towel method: Getting a tea towel and drying out the anal passage and penis before anal sex
by Timmy Bean Boy April 3, 2012
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The process of stalking and making classmates feel uncomfortable while sitting in the same room as them. A man with way too much free time, and access to the internet that should be revoked.
Nathan Haron is a firm believer in the Haron method.
by Concerned classmate May 3, 2023
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1. The scientific way to get ketchup out of an old style Heinz bottle

2. The preferred way to jerk-off or give a handy to an old man. Using Newton’s Law of Viscosity the handjob giver influences the fluid flow at a speed proportional to the force applied to it.

Both involve the following two-handed process:

Shake vigorously enough so that the solid particles unsettle. Next, turn upside down and thrust with both hands downwards at high speeds. This should help move the sauce into the neck, which is particularly important if your client is old and empty. Lastly, turn upright and karate-chop gently at the nape... careful as the sauce is guaranteed to flow!
Robert Kraft prefers handjobs and to no one's surprise, his Masseuse used the Heinz 57 Method, getting his sauce gushing out in seconds.
by b_ats February 22, 2019
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Like a method actor in that they will engage in a lifestyle they see as superficially similar to the kind of subculture etc. they are posing as an member of, without understanding the meaning behind any of it, all of this simply so that they can increase their chances of being labelled by people when they talk about stuff they do or when others see their living arrangements etc, method posers are usually male as method posing requires at least some effort in one's private life.
Wow what a faggoty, attention seeking, method poser Kyle is for bribing those doctors to set it up like he had cancer, and then getting us all to come see his stupid ass in the hospital and pretend like he was Sadako Sasaki.
by Freighttrain, The September 21, 2020
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