Floating boner is a boner delivered by a beautiful woman via no physical contact only text
'She's so hot it didn't take any hands; a couple texts and I had a floating boner'
by Bassgypsy November 6, 2013
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Someone who is so awkward at flirting, they're often perceived as creepy or weird. In reality, it is their shyness or anxiety that causes them to express awkward comments and body language that could be misunderstood.
Jake thought Sara was weird because she would stutter and mumble whenever she talked to him, but really she was just a floating flirt.
by veeeeee March 24, 2013
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A variation of the Provo River float wherein a penis oscillates back and forth between the butt cheeks of the boyfriend or girlfriend of an adolescent Mormon boy. Found mostly in Utah County, Utah. "anal outercourse"
Dude, I took that guy on the Jordan river float last night.... hope the bishop doesn't find out.
by Laxanus November 8, 2020
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When you have a massive dump and flush the toilet but the shit stays in the bowl and you have to reflush.
-I had a massive dump today that didn't want to be flushed.

- Oh, so you had a float back mountain?
by Krqkan February 6, 2016
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To Win $8,000 or more Dollars a Day on a consistent basis without giving your Counterparts the chance do indulge in the excellent chose of sports betting Picks.
Created by Alfred Gaines
We Float’🤫💵
by Sheena G. February 6, 2021
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Pooping off of a Canal boat on an aqueduct onto a Swedish car passing on a busy road below.
Do you remember that time on the Ash aqueduct when Stavros floating Sven'd on that Volvo
by HoBoLoRoNe July 3, 2023
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Expensive vehicle driven by an attractive woman of advancing years
Have you seen her Porsche, it's a real milf float
by Old fashioned girl November 22, 2018
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