Someone who sleeps with married men. In particular, married men who have children and a pregnant wife.

These whores also enjoy begging the married guy to leave his wife and family...because they are jealous filthy sluts who can't get a true family of their own. Perhaps if they quit accepting all manner of random penis into their nasty bologna vag, their man would stick around and HELP to raise their child...but no, these women are ALWAYS cast aside like so much trash because they are as disposable as a shitty diaper. They wouldn't be so disposable if they didn't always "keep a guy on the back burner." If they had one ounce of loyalty, maybe they wouldn't be raising a child "all alone....and with NO CAR."
Did you hear about that homewrecking slut in Clarksville, TN?

Oh, you mean Whitney...the home wrecker whose man left her pregnant and alone because she had an affair at the corrections academy? I heard that she's STILL denying the whole affair.

Well, then she's a LIAR and a homewrecker.
by pseudonym_nov18 July 24, 2013
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Man look that redneck overthere bill.

Oh I seen him here last week Pumping diesel in a spaghettis strap shirt, the truck drivers say he has a tongue ring bet he is a real pecker wrecker.
by Whoopigoldnerd May 24, 2021
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One who wrecks rectums. Or one who fucks ass holes to the point of bleeding from lack of lubrication.
That fag DgMk3 is a rectum wrecker to the max.
by punxnotdead185 December 7, 2006
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Tasty beverage that is a derivative of a Sangria. Recipe:

1 glass wine
1 shot coconut rum (e.g. Malibu)

The wine is usually red, which works well, but white can be used based on your preferences. This recipe works best with a "table wine" or a blend rather than something that is top shelf or a wine that has lots of tannins.

This drink can either be mixed in a batch and served, or can be created by on fly by a "sneak attack". That is where someone drops the shot in someone's wine glass when they aren't looking.

The reason it is call a 'MILF Wrecker' is that it seems to make hot mom's want to do crazy things and all undergarments to instantly switch one female to the left.
At the gym.

Susan: Hey, Jill! How was the party last night? You don't look so good.

Jill: Awesome. I got hit by a couple MILF Wreckers though, and don't know what happened. I woke up the next day wearing someone else's panties.
by AnonOnFire March 16, 2010
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Any object/person/situation that can mess up your day.
Man, I didnt drink my double espresso in the morning. What a day wrecker.
by desi dunnit October 4, 2014
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when a whore wrecks your pole with her poor ass skills while takin your junk in the jaw.
Anne wrecked my pole because she is a dumb cunt who sucks at suckin dick. what a dumb whore that pole wrecker is.
by chonger November 29, 2005
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Someone that ruins the fun of something can be defined as a "buzz wrecker" as they are killing the buzz.
by HeyYouuu445 August 9, 2009
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