The coolest 9/10 rated quiz for a global audience of friendly and intelligent people - because 10/10 would mean unquestionable, unblemished perfection, which, by its nature, is an unachievable ideal : )
You're in good company with Quizzing Without Borders. Join our friendly global quizzing community with a donation of 5 euros now.
by QwB December 18, 2021
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The status of being a virgin, having no sexual intercourse. Sealed referring to having an intact hymen.
I think you're the only girl in our class who's sealed without a kiss, Amber!
by A. Definer December 30, 2011
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bf: hey babe
gf: yeah
bf: keys without the e
gf: ..
by cybermiku September 26, 2021
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A person who chooses not to do something according to the rules/laws, but they have utterly no reason to
Marie: Why did Jason hit that lady on the sidewalk yesterday? He had no reason to do that whatsoever!
Eric: I don't know, I guess he's just a rebel without a cause
by nickability December 10, 2013
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(self explanatory)
son: dad can you show me a bigbrain amongus reference
dad: sure you know about "suspension without retirement"?
son: wdym?
dad: what do people receive when they retire?
son: ...a pension?
dad: now you get it son?
son: omg thanks dad

(son plays amongus as red)

blue: i saw pink killed cyan in electrical and vented to medbay
red: sure he's suspension without retirement
blue: wdym red
red: what do people get when they retire?
black: kinda sus, at least he's just a kid
purple: yea let's vote him out

(red was not the impostor. 1 impostor remains.)
by bill cyperbunk April 8, 2021
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A humanitarian engineering organization that strives to improve quality of life through sustainable engineering projects in communities around the world.
Dude 1: Did you hear that Duke Engineers without Borders is going to Uganda this summer?

Dude 2: Yeah they are installing a rainwater harvesting system or something.
by NorthwestLee February 19, 2006
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