a guy that has a rather small penis, is white and is quite a whore. The label of snow white can be quickly passed around it is very infectious. if you hang around, or talk to a snow white you will most likely start carrying that label. if you decide to hook up with a snow white most likely everyone you know will look down at you with shame. It is very smart to stay away from anyone you know that carrys the name of "snow white". and be cautious that name is VERY VERY VERY contagious! it has already started to attck kilmer middle school starting wiht this one very special person who will not be named.
all boys and girls should STAY AWAY!
symptoms (for boys): horny alot, new title of man whore, may receive innappropriate pictures from girls and guys, gay thougts, will start to touch the other "snow whites", always thinking about fucking the hottest girls, a loss of real friends and reputation to deny the fact that you are gay, thinks that you are gay.
Snow white started hanging around the new kid at school and now that kid is getting pictures, cheating on his girlfriend, and is pretty much a HUGE man whore.

by nooooone March 10, 2007
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When a woman is sexually attracted to men significantly shorter than her. Based on the well known fairy story where although the princess ends up marrying the normal sized Prince, she does spend an awfully long time with those dwarves.
Man 1: "Crikey, never thought Barry had it in him to get a bird like that. She's stunning, and almost 2 feet taller than him?!"

Man 2: "She must have a Snow White complex, its the only way Barry could pull that one off."

Man 1: "I hear dat."
by />/_//\/<^/\/ January 11, 2011
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Eating a person’s ass in the snow
I heard Jake gave Abby a Snow White Delight yesterday
by Marsnado_ February 3, 2022
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Some one who has experienced more that their years. They are loyal to their friends and from their experiences tend to close off to the outside world. Once you get them to open up their the best kind of friends they can have
Josh is a Snow White King
by BDaddy36 March 24, 2010
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If you score a single goal in a game and your opponent seven.
Nobody in the whole wilde world would have thought that Brazil would lose a snow-white against Germany in the 2014 World Cup semi-finals. But they did.
by Crissov July 9, 2014
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An individual who attends parties and once drunk starts making friends with the animals or pets at the residence. They will not think twice about saying hello to furry friends.
Did Monica come? Yeah, she's over there with my dog Oreo being a "drunken snow white"
by Lavendula February 23, 2018
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obsessive or sigular attraction on the part of an individual of non-European descent to light-skinned individuals of European descent
Tyrone went on vacation in Ireland because of the what some of his friends good-naturedly joked about as "Snow White fever."
by ivoryfire July 1, 2005
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