ME... not seen my babe for weeks now due to lockdown
FRIEND...take it a bit of "Walk Pompeo's dog" goin' on then?
by Rotundus III May 19, 2020
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Used to convey that you understand what someone's telling you. Can also be used as an acknowledgement.
Acknowledgement example:
Ruban: "OK, so when you're done making those lattes, can you bus the cafe?"
Joanna: "Yeah man, totally. I'm walking your dog."

Understanding example::
Ho-Jin: "Alright, so 2 + 2 is 4. Does this make sense?"
Sudthakar: "Yeah, for sure. I'm walking your dog!"
by Ruban L. May 9, 2006
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When you release a rancid fart and walk away; the stench follows you like walking a dog. A dead dog.
"My god, it smells dangerous over there"
"Hehe yeah, Matt was just walking the dead dog."
by Fugazziboi September 10, 2014
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It's the awkward walk you do when you have to crap really badly and your prairie doging.
"dude whats the matter, you were speed walking with a really bad look on your face?"

"Just walking the prairie dog."
by winchester666 March 14, 2009
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