30 definitions by Pompatus of Love

The last guy to fuck a chick who pulled a train.
We drew straws. I lost. It was a sloppy ride for the caboose!
by Pompatus of Love September 4, 2016
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Someone who will fuck anyone, no matter how rank!
God damn, you gotta be shittin' me. He fucked her. She's a "2"! What a scum fucker he is!
by Pompatus of Love September 5, 2016
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The last 10 seconds before liftoff i.e., bustin' a nut.
I had been pumping so long and so hard, she knew the countdown had begun.
by Pompatus of Love September 4, 2016
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A guy who refuses to wear a condom.
Man, I told that bitch, "I don't wear no glove; never worn a party hat. I'm a bareback rider from way back...always will be"!!!
by Pompatus of Love September 4, 2016
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