v. vancouver (vankoover), vancouvering, vancouvers

1. To achieve failure or finish second in a competition or undertaking.
2. To achieve failure in an effort or venture after having had a marked advantage: I had a 2 game lead, but I totally vancouvered.

1. To achieve spectacular failure or finish second in.
2. To fail to complete a task or undertaking in even passable fashion: The boss was counting on me, but I totally vancouvered the report.
3. To fail to make (one's way) with effort.
4. To lose the affection or loyalty of former supporters: We realy vancouvered our fans out there today.


a. A loss, especially in a competition.
b. Second place in a competition.
2. An amount lost or squandered.

Phrasal Verbs:

vancouver out
To fall short or abate.
vancouver through
To overcome success and attain an undesired goal or end.


vancouver the day
To be ultimately found lacking.
The Canucks repeated failed attempts at achieving the Stanley Cup, culminating in an epic failure in 2011 which was marked by the Vancouver Riots.
This was followed a month later by the epic failure by the Vancouver Whitecaps FC to clinch the Nutralite Canadian Championship.
by Fanboy23 July 3, 2011
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When a photographer, artist or producer discovers the schedule model doesn't show up without cancelling. Named after the Canadian city were this is epidemic.
I suddenly find myself with an opening this afternoon since the model vancouvered me.
by Zorklunn April 20, 2017
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A large Canadian city with more crime than any other in North America per capita. They say its one of the top 3 places to live... but thats only if your rich. The home of the 2010 Olympics. Most people are lower middle class drug addicts. Cocaine, crystal meth, marijuana, crack, all surprisingly popular with the entire lower mainland population. Think Washington, D.C... but in Canada. Nice govenment and media perception.
Vancouver: "I live in a nice neigborhood, and still robberies, B&E's, and auto theft happen in broad daylight".

Oh... I forgot to mention how pleased people are with our low "gun related" homicide rate. You dont need guns to kill somebody.
by HandsomeB.Wonderful April 17, 2006
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A city in southwest Washington of the United States that I live in. Not known for much except it has a cool place to go to called the Lucid Dream Machine and Amazing Stories. One is a gaming place and the other is a comic shop. A city very few know about since it has nothing really mentionable to notice it for.
My name is Gabe and I live in Vancouver. That's all there is to it, nothing special, so now I'm going to go to the Lucid Dream Machine where you can play games. It's much more interesting than this city.
by Gabe T October 13, 2005
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where spencer is from
spencer: I'm from Vancouver so zip it up and zip it out
by GillianD November 13, 2008
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A church inside a former Kmart.

That's the summation of this place based on an actual establishment. I get the sense the hoakey small town center like any old thyme town center has been abandoned to tiny gift shops while the suburbs were built up around it. Life there is a purgatory for grown up suburban kids where they drive from their apartment block to a gas station, to a office block, to Applebees, and back again. They watch Netflix and wait to die, keeling over from a broken heart 2 weeks after retirement realizing what I just said.
"You're 47 years old. It's finally time you get your own apartment."

"Ok mom, I'll move to Vancouver, Washington. Can I borrow the car?"
by Papa Zita March 9, 2020
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A depressing place, not enough words to describe of how much of a cesspool and shit-hole is. Iv never lived in Tacoma, Washington or other depressing places like Vancouver, Washington.

Im sure there are more depressing places out there, but Vancouver from personal experience takes the cake. No jobs, an abundance of illiterate pieces of white trash, food stamp abusers, ignorant people who seem they have spent their whole life living in a cave. A bunch of wanksters and wiggers, spoonfed bitches who post pics on facebook, myspace, and other bullshit social networks drinking a can of beer proclaiming they are hood and hard.

King of meth addicts and copious amounts of drug abusers, bad weather, a surplus of rain almost 90 percent of the year or more, no entertainment. Downtown Vancouver is dead like a grave, just a bus stop and some drug junkies, pan handlers and some stupid cafes with the greyhound bus station.
Where can I find a place that has no hope or promise and I am 100 percent depressed? That is easy that is

Vancouver, Washington
by David Faustino March 29, 2012
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