The most insulting shit you could say to someone as soon as you call someone this insult they will instantly die and you will claim there soul
by Penis aids 96 May 14, 2018
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The most dangerous of all phrases. A simple derivative of "ur mum gay" and "ur daddy lesbian."
Faggimus: Ur granny tranny!
Clitorimus: Ur sister mister!!
God: Ur Brother Mother.

*The Universe itself expands at a rapid rate and proceeds to become one black hole
by Faggimus Clitorimus March 17, 2018
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The most powerful response to anything and should never be used. If used the sun will engulf the solar system and destroy god himself
Billy: you know what ur granny tranny
John: don't do this Billy
Billy: ur sister mister too
John: well ur brother mother
*Billy's head pops and the sun bursts destroying the solar system and causes the whole galaxy to collapse*
by Meemeeyungboi March 17, 2018
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The most rare insult in the planet of the earth. Has never been used and was buried in the core of the earth to be permanently destroyed. But then the sun god retrieved it while finding the Holy Grail and decided this insult was better and had told it to nobody. This will obliterate any insult including "Your Family Tree LGBT". This insult also breaks the No U infinite spell card found by some users in discord and steam. Be sure to use this accordingly.
John: "ur family tree lgbt"
Pulls out small cloth and leather box
John: "it was only a jok-"
*universe implodes infinite times into itself causing the universe to turn into a black hole*
by fuckin bitchy ass April 3, 2018
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This word will set the insult game to the next level and the survivors will never be the same
Bob: ure mom gay
Dave: no u
Bob: ure dad lesbian
Dave: ure granny granny
Bob: ure sister a mister
Dave: I didn't want to do this but URE brother a hugger
Bob: soul is instantly devoured by the beings of the cosmos
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it was made from ur mom gay deep in Japan and forged to make the strongest comeback of all tim
Dan:Ur mom gay
Carl:No u
Dan:Ur granny a tranny
Carl:Ur brother a mother
*the whole Milky Way collapse*
by Baz ball March 17, 2018
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Bob-ur mom gay
Carl-ur dad lesbian
Bob-ur granny tranny
Carl-ur grandpap a trap
Bob-ur sister a mister
by Celesta.Edits March 18, 2018
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