1.) A person who is a real piece of shit.

2.) Someone who sounds less than desirable when heard through Skype.

3.) A douche.

4.) An animal, object, concept, philosophy, etc. that fails at least one time and/or is in a constant state of failure.

5.) Something that smells, sounds, feels, or tastes terrible.

6.) A beaten-up bag-like container containing phalli.
That fucking oil spill is really turning into a beat-up bag of dicks.
by A Beat-Up Bag of Dicks June 1, 2010
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a day on september 4th when anyone can beat up a antifur and they cant fight back
im going to really love beat up a antifur day
by scrungthebung August 10, 2023
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When an uncircumsized guy masterbates at a fast enough rate to make his cock head pop in and out.
Tony O nearly passed out beating up the turtle head to a Sears catalog last night.
by Tri-State dumb ass's February 7, 2008
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i heard she's been around" "yeah, she's got beat up lunch meat
by Bnasty16 November 22, 2010
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A day where you can beat up a ginger and they can do nothing
I forgot todays national beat up ginger day where i can beat up gingers and they can do nothing!
by theamericancock716 September 16, 2020
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The act of beating the shit out of professional wrestler and actor John Cena.
"I'm gonna wrap some presents for my kids, with my hot Asian wife... and then I'm gonna BEAT UP JOHN CENA!"
by KeepOnRollinBayBay March 11, 2020
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