Said like the Australian boot brand. Used to refer to one or many ugly people. Can be used to describe some thing else thats ugly.
Nancy: Eww, look at that chick, thinking she is all hot in her fit.

Tawni: Yeah i know her and her fit is Ugs.
by red_hot May 21, 2009
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A sound used to express a deep feeling of annoyance or frustration.
“Ug that person is so annoying
by Aliced123 February 27, 2022
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use ug for anything
i ug you, ug
by nurgget January 2, 2022
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To be mugged by people wearing ugg boots.
Andrew: Dan what the hell happen to your face?

Dan: I got ugged last night...

Andrew: That sucks man.
by Tarlmneo911 January 6, 2011
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ug is a huge lover of trance music at
How much trance would an ug love trance if an ug trance could love trance?
by Tranceaddict June 16, 2004
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Used in the state of watlington as a signification of alliegence to the posse.
Alright Del-ug, wheres jess-ug and Farn-ug?
by Leeug October 23, 2003
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pronounce like "luge" minus the "l".

n. Stands for "unexpected gay experience"
Me and Perry were sitting next to each other at dinner and both grabbed the salt shaker at the same time and we ended up holding hands... we quickly realized we had an UGE and pulled our hands back
by The Mocha September 16, 2008
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