A Selfish bitch who is addicted to fortnite and sits and cry's in his room all day wondering where he went wrong
Damn I Hate that Reid guy so annoying
by regnomllik December 21, 2019
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A guy with a very small penis and he also gets bullied 24/7 because no one fucking loved him
by MyCoxLongBabyGirl January 12, 2022
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1. An obnoxiously pathetc attempt to do something funny
2. An asswhipe
3. A joke that is not funny and so akward that you want to kill the person that said it
What the fuck! That joke was a reid
by DeShane January 31, 2008
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One who takes trendy fashions too far. Rather than popping one collar, you my friend, pop four. Alcohol proves to be a weakness like kryptonite to Superman. Violence also runs strong in a Reid, who has a inferiority complex and feels the need to smash bottles. The mating habits of this individual range from whiney nerotic sex to full on candle and mood music masturbation using tears for lubrication.
Who invited that Reid? Sharp broken glass is everywhere!
by Rico and Long Lash February 7, 2010
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Reid is usually the name for an arrogant male or teenage boy, the type of person who thinks they're funny when they aint. they lose battles and suck at comeback fighting, but they aint ugly.
what an asshole oh must be a reid
by hello12347 December 6, 2010
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A person who is taken care of greatly by their mom or dad. A Reid always gets what he/she wants and is never been told no. When you tell a Reid no, bad things will come to those who said it. Stay away from a Reid...he/she will only break your heart.
That person has their heart broken.
Yeah, they prolly dated a Reid.
by Alotofsmartness May 10, 2010
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