a school where navigating the hallways of one of the richest schools in Pennsylvania you come across the girls that are "popular" participating in the Bulimia Olympics, but not without carrying their Louis Vuitton bags and wearing the latest from Abercrombie & Fitch with the "thong of the week" from Victoria Secret. Once you get your eyes rolled at a few times and a few dirty looks from the sluts--I mean girls, you come across the other half. If you aren't wearing pants 12 sizes too big along with your ice 'round your neck and a joint in your pocket, you aint cool. Everyone belongs to the Ghetto, or wish they did, as they trip over themselves tryin to rap their way down the hall. Gotta have had sex or gotten drunk or you're just plain weird, and if you have something to do, you are in the minority, but whites definately aren't. and, henderson high girls are known as the sluttiest slut in the chester county.
you know you are in henderson when...

- you come across at least 6 drunk people a day

- smoking in the bathroom

- and gay ass white guys who think they are the shit.
by home_boy_faker January 12, 2005
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God. Actual god. Also was in Big Time Rush.
Someone: yall religious?
Me: yeet, i worship Logan Henderson.
by Ttlw October 28, 2018
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Alex henderson is the best person. A great friend, always there for you, will do anything for anyone, a great boyfriend, and just an all around good person. You will never regret knowing an Alex henderson.
I love Alex henderson
by Bigal November 12, 2016
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Where ever nigga think they gangsta cuz they got gun but they just don’t know how to fight.
Henderson Texas = fake Ass gangsta
by JJS from Henderson tx October 18, 2021
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When you find yourself in a sticky situation, often from the result of a pickle.
Man, last night I was in a real Dicky Henderson.
by bhuss August 12, 2017
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A lightskinn big booty, girl and she loyal and very pretty and she also single and a leader and very confident
Liberty Henderson do her own thang and give anythang but a f😂😂😂
by Liberty henderson April 2, 2017
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