Expressing disbelief; total shock/disgust/incredibility of something to someone
Guy 1-Hey man, where are we?
Guy 2-Alabama
Guy 1-Aw Hell to the No!
by Wilson White September 19, 2004
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when you are strapped to a chair while wearing an itchy sweater, while at the same time having a wedgie, and being forced to stare at tubgirl while listening to nsync for the rest of eternity. the one positive thing is being able to talk politics with george dubya while watching satan rip up his anus.
i was sure i was in hell because of all the lawyers who were around
by clevelandsteamer September 17, 2005
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Hells no is worse then "Hell no." Hence the "s" after Hell.. which implies that that it is multiple Hells making it worse then only a single Hell.
Bro - Go to the Kenny Chesney concert with me
Me - Hells no. Kenny Chesney is a fag.
by SirLeche May 3, 2005
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As an entire expression, this functions as an adverb. Sometimes "just" is added to the beginning to complete the expression.

1) For no reason, serving no higher meaning.

2) For pain.

3) "pushing the limits"; Testing God; solely for the purpose of sinning.
1) Even when I'm not tired, sometimes I sleep just for the hell of it.

2) I see her hurting herself often, and I wonder if she's doing it for the hell of it.

3) He sleeps with a different man's wife every night just for the hell of it.
by LuSt iN a CaN June 1, 2005
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a. Noun used to describe a place or a state of being that is undesirable, unliked and/or hated.
b. A place of eternal pain and torment in Christian belief.

Originally used as a synonym for the Hebrew word "Gehenna," meaning eternal destruction.
by S. Lofer November 21, 2004
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The place where in the UK I spend over 6 hours a day learning crap I already now and stuff that I will never use in real life.
School is the suckiest suck that ever sucked.
by Lewis H November 10, 2004
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Town in Minnesota, Maine, Michigan, Norway and a bunch of other places where no civilized life exists.
by anonyomus November 25, 2005
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