What a lot of people don't use.
In order to survive, one must use his brain.
by MetagrossX March 22, 2013
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Word used by fat, stupid, lazy males to refer to oral sex. Since these men are not accustomed to using their brains and are entirely unfamiliar with this organ, they move this function to other parts of their body. This not only kills the reliance on the brain, but allows the man to continue killing this organ with beer, fatty foods and a lazy attitude.
"Good thing all this beer, burgers and sitting around all day watching football isn't harming my brain, since brain means blowjob!"
by osibisa November 1, 2007
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blow job; head; oral sex on a male
i.)Freaky Girl by Gucci Mane

"She's a very freaky girl,
She get it from her momma.
First you get her name,
Then you get her number.
Then you get some brain in the front seat of the hummer."

ii.)joey: yo dude. this chick gave me the best brain last night.
billy: who??
joey: i dont even kno.
billy: how hot was she??
joey: about...two and a half.
billy: thats sick!!
joey: naw man. she did it PROPA!!

iii.)bob: oh my god, dont f&^% wit dat chick.
jim: y not?? she sexii as hell.
bob: she give bad brain.
jim: forreal??
bob: yea. the worst.
jim: wat happen'd??
bob: that s&*^ was slobbery as hell.
by Nunya Damnbidness February 18, 2008
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When getting a blowjob, the dick goes so far in it tears the back of the throat and somehow manages to penetrate the brain
Yo dude, this hot chick totally gave me brain the other day! Too bad she died, bro.
by DrFunkenstein April 30, 2010
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When a male grabs one of his testacles and gently squeezes so that the ball sack is tight around the testicle hence looking like a human brain.
Tom:Gee pat do you know what a brain looks like?
Pat:Why no i don't.
*Tom acts out the definition given*
Pat:Oh right cool, nice one

(Awkward silence)
by Tomend and Pat August 15, 2007
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''and your already giving me brain''

im not your boyfriend baby, 3oh3!
by hippychild April 19, 2009
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