annoying, treble-heavy music for queers and Europeans, mostly played at dance clubs in big cities
Techno is horrible music, almost as bad as rap!
by T-Ro May 8, 2006
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a bunch of computers making noises.
would usually be listened to by a muzza
it sounds like crap.
DiiSs TEchno iiss FullYy Sickk Ulehh
when clearly, it is not.
by MRS.ACKLES April 9, 2008
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A type of music that is not really Strong Bad's Style.
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
doodluh doo doodluh doo doodluh doo doodluh do
The System, is down. The System, is down.
The System, is down. down, down, down, down. Duh duh duhduh duh do do do do
by Strong Bad's #1 Fan November 5, 2003
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Defined as making music with technology. This genre isnt dance music and was never meant to be. It is a good alternative to commercial music and has many subgenres. The worst type of 'techno' is called 'minimal' - this style is not to be confused with 'minimal techno' and is a kid of childish version of techno that fills large rooms full of non eventful drops for puke kids.
'like duuude... im so into that minimal drop after the 4 miniute white noise build...!!! i love techno!!!'

'no, you like rubbish drops and shouldnt be alive'
by tom healey August 29, 2016
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Shitty, simple and repeatative type of industrial music that nerdy teenage boys (who think they're cool) use to try to seduce preteen sluts with.
Ran rolled up to the middle school in his shitty car and pumped his latest techno CD ,hoping to score some preteen ass.
by Jack Adick January 7, 2005
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any electonic crap. also can be used as an insult.
Your being so techno right now.
by the world at large July 17, 2005
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