13 definitions by tom healey

used by eternally adolescent drama queens to exclaim about anything and everything they see, do or hear
'like i was totes like omg and we at this party and i was like o..m....g.....!!! then she phoned me and said he was banged up for the night and i was like OMG lets have a selfie ..totes this is literally me .. selfie'

passer by..

'kills himself'... like, literally'
by tom healey August 31, 2016
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HRT - AQI - (its when you go up at the end of each sentence as if you are too unsure to make a statement or you are adding ;do you know what i mean' to the statement. It a style of speaking that many people feel is a more 'friendly' way to converse, as in not sounding too sure. It drives some people crazy and others are completely oblivious to it. It isnt just used by young women as some people seem to state it is - its used by practically the whole world in 2017. To some people it is like nails scratching across a blackboard. It is perhaps more irritating than vocal fry and starting each sentence with 'so' and over sue of the term 'literally' but its very often used by people that employ all four vocal tics. It needs to stop.
Adam - 'he, so like i was like literally dead and like just literally got off the phone and I dropped my coffee uptalk mug full of like lol coffee...?'
Adams idiot female friend -- 'lol.. like i was like literally saying to Spirit horse that i like literally lol though you were like literally dead..lol... ?
by tom healey October 5, 2017
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A lunatic conspiracy propagated by absolute dickheads on social media... enough said.
'have you seen my latest photos of the sky.. see the chemtrail?'

'no.. i see a prick that will do anything to make their lives feel more exciting'
by tom healey August 30, 2016
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Defined as making music with technology. This genre isnt dance music and was never meant to be. It is a good alternative to commercial music and has many subgenres. The worst type of 'techno' is called 'minimal' - this style is not to be confused with 'minimal techno' and is a kid of childish version of techno that fills large rooms full of non eventful drops for puke kids.
'like duuude... im so into that minimal drop after the 4 miniute white noise build...!!! i love techno!!!'

'no, you like rubbish drops and shouldnt be alive'
by tom healey August 29, 2016
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The art of looking at your device while someone is trying to communicate with your tech obsessed capitalist ass.

A display of utter cuntishness in the modern age of moronic device driven drones that lack everything unless they are able to get 4g.
'Hello - ..'ive just seen a.......'
' **doesnt speak looks at phone half way through just one sentence ... ***phubbing

'ive just been phubbed... 'what a phubbing prick'... it possibly saved me from a very dull conversation'
by tom healey September 10, 2016
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Basic mass marketing. An horrific mash of electronic 'styles' brought into one easy to handle nursery music for the types that have absolutely no taste in music and want to simply be part of something huge.

The biggest lie about this crap is that it 'starts people on the way to more serious music' .

the worst thing to happen to electronic music yet.... (apart from trap)
'edm is my life duuude..'

'youre a twatheaded twitter hungry social media twat..'
by tom healey August 29, 2016
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One of many modern online drama queen terms to describe someone thats removed them selves from you on the net, completely. This type of thing doesnt deserve a name - It used to get by quite well being called 'ignoring' - so its a type of 'softspeak' for those that cant bear the thought that they are irritating and therefore the other person doesnt want to bother.
'like.. omg... he like ghosting me like totally, omg'

'perhaps its because youre a c**t'
by tom healey September 6, 2016
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