Material stolen, loot, as from a burglary or robbery
"We'll split the swag if you help."
From "Police," a Charlie Chaplin silent movie
by brightwriter December 11, 2013
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A canvas bedroll commonly used in Australia. Consists of a thin mattress inside a canvas covering, may contain poles to keep the roof raised like a small tent, insect mesh to keep bugs out and other creature comforts. Rolls up for compact storage afterwards. Most swags are about 2 ft (60cm) wide and about 1 ft (30cm) thick once rolled up.
1)Got sick of things in the city, so I chucked my swag on the back of the bike and headed out into the bush for a few weeks. Rolled it out on the top of a hill and watched the beautiful starry sky while I fell asleep. Easy way to forget my problems.

2) Mind if I stay at your place after the party? I bought my swag, I'll just roll it out in oyur lounge room.
by Gargoyle_eva December 18, 2011
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A stupid, retard excuse used by lame ass thugs and hipsters to justify the bullshit style and fucked up color matching they wear.
Random Guy: Why the hell are you wearing a jean jacket with lime green sweats, an orange plaid shirt, and pink sneakers?

Gay hipster: Cause I have swag. Yolo.
by BobbyJo3 August 22, 2012
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An object retrieved from a zone of visitation. Swag is very valuable and is used in research but is extremely dangerous to get due to the zone being very dangerous and most swag being illegally obtained by stalkers.
Stalker: Hey man, just got some swag fresh from the zone
Vendor: wow good haul
by Barry_age_63 March 15, 2023
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S- Secretly
W- We
A- Are
G- Gay
Gay people that are in the closet are a prime example of what swag represents.
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An acronym created by a group of men in the United States during the 1960's that means Secretly We Are Gay
"Mark, Joey and I are swag"
by really?! July 17, 2012
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