(N.) A device used as a sex toy normally amongst homosexual couples (gay males and lesbian females). Basically, a latex or plastic penis-shaped dong that is used by connecting it to some sort of harness that straps around the waist. Hence the name. Used as if it were a part of the body.

Not to be confused with a DILDO or a VIBRATOR.

Also see STRAP.
We just went to the specialty store and bought a new strap on, it's great!
by Lia'-Alida May 21, 2005
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Sean: yo bruh me and Kelsey are gonna head out back to the room. You still gotta pack of straps I'm all out.
Dan: Yea check the top of my dresser. Go in brah.
by jbeezy0356 September 1, 2013
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to carry a condom so you are always ready for sex.
man i hope your strapped that bitch has some shit you dont want to catch
by nick a bitch January 16, 2004
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When an Athletic Coach tells his team or physical education (P.E.) class to get dressed into their athletic gear, he might say, "You guys stop screwing around and get strapped."
by ADavis September 26, 2006
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when your waste band is lined with candy you bought at a grocery store because the candy at the movie theater is far too expensive.
friend: hey you want some treats after we get our tickets.

you: na man i came strapped.
by wise1111 June 24, 2010
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To be in possession and/or to have on oneself a strap-on dildo.
John: Bro, they don't even know I'm strapped!
Tom: Careful, make sure the safety is on!
John: I don't think my purple dildo has a safety switch...
Tom: Bet.
by Splur Gang September 18, 2018
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An object with a dildo attached to it and used for lesbian sex.
Rosemary has Funtime with a Strap on with a partner, while Erik Kaspar watched.
by Mr. Remkis March 18, 2014
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