South African word:
1) A reaction; an agreement or confirmation of something
2) An expression of thanks or appreciation

A bit like 'safe' in the UK
1)Philemon: Do you want a beer, bru?
John: Shot, man.

2)Mike: Pass me a beer please, bro... Shot!
by jozi<3er December 15, 2007
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a needleful of drugs, when you prepare a fix its called a shot
I did a huge dope shot and got pins and needles
by notnomore November 25, 2006
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When there is a job to do and you shot not doing it by putting an upside thumb on your forehead!

Mother: Yo, who's gonna take out the trash tonight?
Child 1: SHOT NOT (upside thumb on forehead)
Child 2: SHOT NOTTTT (same as above)
Child 3: fuck my life (now he has to take the trash out)
by maddison's friend? August 18, 2017
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adj. - used to describe something that is not in good shape or is out of commission
"Hey man, why haven't I seen you online in a while?"
"Yo, my computer is straight shot."
"Oh yeah? What happened?"
"Man, that damn Blaster Worm virus got me the other day...."
"Whoa, that's some sauce."
by G. Vinny September 19, 2003
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word to avoide somehting, almost like not it
where should we go
(now the other people have to choose where to go)
by amanda February 14, 2005
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Expression used to show approval or gratitude
John: "Haha! I got 10% in my last Math Test!"
Mary: "Shot John! Hi 5!"

Billy: "Can you pass me the butter?"
Tess: "Sure, here you go."
Billy: "Shot."
by xXxshawtyxXx November 27, 2006
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a verb meaning "to sell drugs"
i used ta shot but stopped when boydem clocked me.
by §håÐðw May 21, 2004
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