5 definitions by §håÐðw

a verb meaning "to sell drugs"
i used ta shot but stopped when boydem clocked me.
by §håÐðw May 21, 2004
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same as ends, your manor is your area.
"what manor you from?"
by §håÐðw May 21, 2004
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to get clocked is to get caught out. mostly used to suggest being caught out by boydem, though also family, or partners. lol
"she clocked onto you nicely..."

"i used to shot until boydem clocked me"
by §håÐðw May 21, 2004
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your home
"my milkshake brings all the boys to my yard.."

"meet you at my yard in 5, aight?"
by §håÐðw May 21, 2004
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your 'ends' is your area
by §håÐðw May 21, 2004
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