when you get so f*cked up that you shit on the ground and pass out in it, then you wake up and its on your face.
After passing out in her brother bathroom, Christy Cosmo woke up shitfaced.
by Brooke03 April 30, 2005
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"Man I was at this club last nite and there were these niggers and i got shitfaced!"
by wu tang poontang May 5, 2005
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Shitfacing yourself consists of smoking marijuana and getting really drunk at the same time, simply because you are screwing your system up really badly with two substances that are harmful in their own ways.
by Vanessa Li November 18, 2005
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An extremely intoxicated state of being caused by the excessive use of large quantities of alcohol or drugs. Having an appearance of being off your face.
Jeez. Andy reeks of beer
Yeah...... he's totally "shitfaced"
by Signor Dick Pic November 1, 2013
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A person who has shit on his/her face or a giant douche.
Fucking Frank, I hate Frank. He is such a shitface.
by Fredo Corleone May 7, 2014
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Just another word for that inbred retarded niggerfuck OBAMA.
You see that? Aint that the shitface nigger fuck that was leading our country down the fucking drain?

Sure was, I really hope somebody shoots that fucking shitface niggerfuck in the head. The shitface inbred retarded niggerfuck deserves to be 5 feet underground.
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To get so wasted at a music festival tha you pass out and somebody uses your beard to wipe their sloppy shit from their ass crack after taking an emergency crap next to a fence (that you happened to be passed out next to)
Last night was fucked up, I woke up shitfaced and ashamed
by Othermanwithnoname June 4, 2017
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