The greatest rock band that will EVER exist!! Synonims include awesome, amazing, and great. Geddy Lee is a magnificent bassist, Neil Peart is a drum God, and Alex Lifeson is an insane guitarist. They are famous for songs such as "Closer To The Heart", "Tom Sawyer", "2112", "Fly By Night", and "Hemispheres". You must listen to these songs! DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you dont like like, you haven't heard them. RUSH IS THE BEST!!!!!
by Cygnus X-1 June 1, 2006
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Dude I only paid $71 for lawn seats to the Rush concert! I rule
by Beowulf 2112 August 25, 2007
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A band that has musicians that are the craziest, most awesome musicians that humanity has seen. They piss excellence and shit greatness.
Rush > all other bands
by drummerboi777 October 11, 2007
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An awesome Canadian band that was in their prime in the 1980's. They are known as the founders of 'math rock' and are normally filed under proggressive rock. The members are as follows: Bass/ Keyboard/ Lead vocals: Geddy Lee
Drums: Neil Peart
Guitar/ Minor Backup Vocals: Alex Lifeson
Check them out!
Joel: Hey, dude, you goin' to the Buddy Rich memorial concert?
Brett: Hell yeah! Neil Peart from Rush is gonna be there!
Joel: Rock on!
by Ark_Angel April 1, 2008
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Without question, the best band ever. Lyrics are rad. Sound is rad. Overall the band is just radtastic.
Members: Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart.

Currently on Snakes and Arrows tour.

The lyrics have a greater meaning. Listening to their songs words is like reading a life changing book.

The sound is unlike any other band. It is simply amazing. If you have never listened to Rush go do it. Now.
person 1: Did you go to that Rush concert last night?
person 1: YES it was frigen rad.
person 1: I know. Did you hear that drum solo?
person 2: OH MY GOD YES. They were on frigen fire
person 1: God I am getting hard just thinking about them they are so good =
by acdcrulesalot July 17, 2008
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Nobody says that. Its always B! WHY? Ask Russia
Me: Rush A!
Random Russian CSGO Fuckboy: guys lets kick this noob
Me: *got kicked*
by October 14, 2020
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