In short - Americans.

These egalitarian egoists have have taken the savory handheld hope of the proletariat and transmogrified it into a decadent fruit dessert only to be enjoyed by bourgeoisie capitalists.
It's no surprise that Trump was elected by those Ruiners of Pie.

The truth is that Ruiners of Pie butchered the natives when they arrived in the Americas.

The Ruiners of Pie do have one of the strongest economies in the world.
by TheSilentJ32 August 31, 2018
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When you invite someone in a Beluga chat and they spam the whole time and be a giant dick.
I invited Jeremy into this pod and all he did was spam pictures of cats the whole time, total Pod Ruiner
by Diabetes477 May 7, 2011
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noun- a person who commits a thumbs-up photo bomb; typically the photo-bomb is overshadowed by a later and more funny event, such as a runaway horse that disappears into the forest, rider's fate unknown but with a 99.99% chance said person is OK. Pronounced /ˈvidēō/ /ˈro͞oinər/
I'm filming a garden party, so please get out of the way video ruiner. You are a video ruiner. Stop being a video ruiner. I wish you could be a better video ruiner.
by Video Ruiner July 20, 2019
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To describe a person as being freaking awesome.
Cory and Sam are ruiners.
by Billybob84710474 September 7, 2022
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Ruiner, is totes a word. It's def a noun
by Sumyungdude29 November 26, 2019
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That one person everyone knows that decides to bring politics into anything and everything
"You talked to John lately?"
"Nah, that guy is a Conversation Ruiner "
by Guywhohatespolitics January 28, 2021
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A friend or relative who always manages to make a dumbass comment on your Facebook status and ruin the effect.
Man, Jackie is such a status ruiner. Every time I post a witty status she links a YouTube video that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
by guidinglitedlite March 27, 2014
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