A rocker is a person who listens to any kind of rock music (and actually likes rock music). Rockers often play instruments and are probably the least understood clique, due to the general ignorance of preps and jocks, druggies, etc. Despite popular belief, rockers do not all smoke pot and hide in the corner cutting themselves. They usually do not get along with jocks (stupid cavemen who think they're better than everyone else but will end up in mcdonalds forever after high school), preps (rich, usually white kids whose parents buy them everything they ask for, often dress "sophisticated" and think they're better than everyone else), rappers (usually unintelligent people who are often the people who ACTUALLY take drugs and think they're better than everyone else).
A rocker is the kind of person (who happens to like rock music) and will go to class quietly and sit quietly doing their work.

A jock on the other hand will stand up and start dancing around like a moron.
The jock will then whisper to a slutty girl about what a weirdo the rocker kid is.
by Leo Franz January 23, 2009
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Similar to the shocker, but for men. The middle and index finger are inserted into the mans anus, pleasuring the prostate, while the thumb is wrapped around the balls, separating the testicles slightly. A back and forth "rocking" motion completes this action.
"That chick was down for anything! She even gave me the rocker!"
by Kthatsme December 10, 2011
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Rockerism is the belief that having a good time is more important than anything. People who believe in Rockerism (Rockerists) do not discuss religion or politics. This is done because they understand that these issues bring about endless arguing. It's about forgetting the things that separate you from the person sitting next to you. That's Rockerism.

See Rockerist
"Rockerism is the easiest way to live."
by King Crazy October 12, 2007
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Similar to The Shocker, this hand-based sexual act uses the extended index and pinky fingers, while the ring and middle fingers are curled down/held in by the thumb, making the popular "rock and roll" hand gesture, used at concerts. The index finger is then inserted into the vagina, while the pinky is inserted into the womans anus.
Before giving her the Shocker, I warmed her up with the Rocker... next, it's on to the Spocker!
by GoodyQ December 19, 2010
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When you've smoked enough marijuana to feel as though you're being sucked down into your chair and become unable to move.
Man, lastnight I smoked so much I started getting rockers.
by Dizzle Tizzle July 31, 2006
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Weed that you put tobacco in, gets you twice as high for half as long.
Hey pass over the rocker, this will be a fun night.
by spocer June 18, 2010
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The term rocker is used when you have a really good time or you like something a lot.

Dude it was a hella rocker night.

That beer is so rocker.
by Chiefs Fan May 6, 2006
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