When you have sex inside a car with a DVD from RedBox playing on the DVD player in the car
-Hey Babe, wanna go for a ride? ;)
-Sure Boo, stop by RedBox on the way!
-You bet, I've been dying to RedBox and Chill.
by Turkay November 14, 2015
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Getting a rimjob while watching a redbox movie
Bill Nye the guy- yo girl came over last night for Redbox and rimjob
by Bill Nye the Guy May 16, 2016
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Code for when your girlfriend or wife is on her period and you have to fuck her on it. Red represents her period. Box represents her pussy.
Victor: "Hey Laisa wanna come over and watch Netflix and chill"

Laisa: "Sure, but I'm on my period"

Victor: "Wait I guess we are gonna Redbox and chill instead?"

Julia: "Sounds good, if you don't mind ketchup on your hotdog!"
by ghost21 December 31, 2018
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Redbox and reach around is a dated yet similar situation such as Netflix and chill. You will most likely not be watching a Redbox and the reach around may or may not be extremely unsatisfying.
Mason: Hey Titus, sup?
Titus: Nothin' much man, redbox and reach around tonight, or nah?
Mason: Uhh, yeah?
by Cuddlesworth October 13, 2015
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a derogatory name for a redhead. Refering to a womans vagina redbox assumes that the gingers pubes are red.
hey redbox, hows that fireminge of yours holding up? can I see your orangina.
by reagan.prk November 7, 2023
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1. A red machine in almost any convenient store that will allow one to rent movies and return them with extreme convenience, hence, why they are at convenient stores.

2. (Derivative from the term Hotbox) An automobile that has been turned red by blood dripping from the bullet holes fired at the car that carried hostiles attempting to “pull up” on you.
1. Hey, bro, I just got us a Redbox to watch 21 Jumpstreet

2. The opps was just tryna stop us so we gave em a redbox.
by ChiraqNigga October 1, 2017
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1) The sneaky thing a guy does (and picks up) when he really wants to Netflix and Chill, but has asked you out on a date and is coming over to your house to pick you up.

2) A cheap azz date
Girl 1: So where did you guys go last night?
Girl 2: Nowhere! He was another Redbox and Beer jerk!
Girl 1: Awwwww...sorry

Girl1: Did he wine you and dine you last night?
Girl 2: More like Redbox and Beer!
Girl 1: Awwww...sorry
by blondgirl January 11, 2016
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