someone who's assholeness is readily apparent to everyone around them but not to themselves.

the ultimate jackass in a situation; everyone cherishes this asshole, he's a prized asshole

originally from the Flight of the Concords:
"I got hurt feelings, I got hurt feelings
I feel like a prized asshole, no one even mentions my casserole"
I forgot to bring the beer. Now I really feel like a prized asshole.
by MeThisGuy January 29, 2011
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Seal really won the white prize when he married Heidi Klum.
by Ian K December 14, 2007
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English art prize generally awarded to someone who
a - went to art school
b - has spent the year being outrageous
c - produced a volume of work that gets people talking
1998 Turner Prize is awarded to Chris Ofili for the Madonna and Child with elephant dung
1995 Turner Prize is awarded to Damien Hirst for half a cow in formaldehyde
by A Legge January 16, 2006
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A prize given to someone who does not deserve/ did not get the real thing, but needs to be acknowledged somehow.
by rackanna January 11, 2011
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An appealing reward that has no real value and is often nothing more than an incentive to elicit someoneone to perform an undesirable task.
Man, that employee of the month thing is nothing more than a paper prize.
by Tio Don February 11, 2009
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That one guy in a multi player game who takes all the special items regardless of if he needs them or not, in particular the ninja turtles arcade game where the player with the most health eats the pizza and laughs about it to the guy next to him who now has to put another quarter in. Also has the spawn locations and best hiding places of every weapon on every map memorized in whatever game he plays.
(Halo) I'm trying to drive the scorpion tank but there's a prize nazi that always gets it first
(World of Warcraft) I got prize nazi'd on the sword of a thousand truths by a guy who already had a better sword
by BizmoTM April 28, 2013
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