that indian kid who gives you his food and some weird cheese and plays minecraft
darius printer is cold
by amy_xx1234 November 12, 2019
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what's responsible for sudden printer noises out of nowhere
things I don't like at the foot of my bed:

clowns and the printer ghost
by Ae5Ea8 February 20, 2016
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The name given to a 3D printer that does a shit job replicating your 3D computer model ie. the surface finish is stringy, fails to print smaller details accurately, or fails the 3D print completely.

The definition also relates to the way a 3D printer prints 3D models. A 3D printer only has one nozzle that lays out plastic layer by layer to build up your 3D model this is similar to how turds can stack up on top of each other in the toilet bowl to create a 3D pyramid like shape.
Tom: Hey Sam, how did that 3D computer model turn out when you 3D printed it ?

Sam: My turd printer did a shit job. I need to get a better one.
by weaby1 October 16, 2013
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Where one person proceeds to go to the printer constantly touching it, rubbing it eventually getting themselves off to the vibrations as it prints and fulfilling their sexual desires.
Chris: What the hell!! Did you see Anne at the printer there. She was touching it up and getting all rowdy with it.

John: Yeah, she is a total printer whore!!

Chris: She must be, she had her knickers off as it was printing!!!
by The Venga!!! April 15, 2010
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Semi-hot, dazed broad in Web Design Class. When shut down windows by pressing Alt-F4, she asked "How did you do that?!?" I replied "Alt-F4"...So she pressed Alt. F, 4. She in-turn said "Its not working!!!"

Also confused how to print in color.
Avid Word Art Fan.
Printer Girl is a complete moron
by NSO April 9, 2003
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An efficient type of printer that uses a black powder that is fused onto the paper. When putting in a new toner cartridge be carefull not to breath in the powder.One toner cartidge can print up to 10,000 sheats. The most common one only print in black. Color laser printers are very expensive
This laser printer is great.
by Simulationcity September 2, 2005
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A Printer of which Prints a Guch. (Printer Of Guch)
Yo man you wanna go send our crushes GUCH pics, I know where the spare Guch Printer is.
by Thy GUCH Printer December 8, 2019
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