(Adj.) Term used to describe REALLY hot, sexy porn, Porn that makes your dick so hard it can cut diamonds.
Guy 1: Dude, you gotta check out *insert porn site name here* it has really shmexy pr0ns.

Guy 2: Alright, I think I'll give it a look, thanks bro.

shmexy pr0ns
by thejackster93 November 2, 2010
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A film with good pictures of guns in it
when will UKAN come back so bored
by Stutley September 5, 2003
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Someone who loves to beat their meat to inny pr0n
jim the pr0n turkey won't come out tonight, he's too busy whacking off
by ell0rz December 4, 2006
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not cool, in fact not cool at all
Dude that is so gh3y pr0n, dont even do that anymore.
by Matt November 16, 2004
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The Alpha and Omega of pr0n - found at sensibleerection.com
the latest t33n pr0n post had 600 galleries. I jizzed all over the mainframe!
by Chop-Logik January 30, 2003
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An in-joke in the gaming community originating from QuakeCon. Some say there is no actual dolphin pr0n. Others swear that their brother's friend's ex-roommate said he saw it once.
I got 2 TB of dolphin pr0n from the BYOC last year.
by CthulhuFhtagn July 28, 2008
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