Something that was probably a good idea at first and then got seriously over the top and banned things that didn't offend anybody in the first place.

Eg -

We can't say blackboard (but we can say whiteboard.)
We can't sing Ba Ba Blacksheep (we sing Ba Ba Happy Sheep)
Teacher: Okay, Martin, come and write your name on the blackboard.

Martin: Teacher, I am very offended by you the chalkboard a blackboard, even though it is actually a board that is black.

Teacher: Sorry, Martin, I forgot my Political Correctness!
by The British One June 26, 2009
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A term used in political debate by conservatives, meaning, roughly, "inclined to disagree with me".
"Maybe we shouldn't bomb other countries needlessly."
"Don't be so politically correct."
"What does that mean?"
"I don't know, but it's what you are."
by e0n April 26, 2006
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A doctrine held by a delusional minority, academia and the mainstream media that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
"Don't call that man a 'bum'! Political correctness dictates that he is unfortunately 'homeless'!
by Boogification April 18, 2008
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Puritanism - Don't say that Beyonce looks hot, that's committing the sin of lust.

Political correctness - Don't say Beyonce looks hot, that's patriarchal objectification of women.
by Anon989989 December 8, 2015
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the flawed notion that it is more important to tolerate everyone's opinions and beliefs, particularly ones related to a liberal philosophy, so as not to offend anyone rather than exposing the ignorance or irrationality from which said opinions and beliefs originate.
Comedians today are too frequently disparaged in the mainstream media for not sticking within the confines of political correctness.
by ubermensch85 June 14, 2015
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Political correctness is far more than just silly, constipated speech codes. It is an entire moral outlook and cultural ethos -- namely, that of the political Left.

Basically, a person or thing is considered 'politically correct' when it gives positive strokes to the Left's angelic, messianic self-conception.

Lefties like to demonize anybody who dares to criticize them, but I decline to reciprocate. I don't think they are demons; I think they are all too human. They are "dodging the grim shadow of self-knowledge", fearing the unavoidable Loss of Innocence this would bring, and the frank acknowledgement that they too are part of the human slime-mold --
capable of foul behavior and bad judgement just like everybody else. It's time for them too get off their friggin' pedestal.....

I could go on and on describing what political correctness is, but I'll content myself with the brief observation that what I've written here is 180 degrees opposite to it.
I'm pretty sure that a few politically correct people will read this and think I am talking about somebody else....
by fidelbogen January 12, 2005
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