Photoshop is one of the worlds most wonderful tools created for photo editing.

Originaly created by John and Thomas Knoll in order to to take a Fing ugly (Fugly) women or biatch and make her modelesk. Also used to take a stick or twig man and make them look buff or ripped.

Became increasingly popular among young women who favor the expand tool to enlarge their breasts(does not always work very well) look up Epic photoshop fail on google and exhibit a should be there.
Photoshop has evolved and many different versions have emerged (CS1, CS2, CS3....ect.) with each new version emerges a new way to turn fuglys into fuckables and twigs into bigs.... *Sigh*
Girl: Look! Kristina I can make myself go up a cupsize in Photoshop!

Boy: This girls boobs are not as big as her pictures make them look.....

Boy: I can just add some abbs into my pics to get the ladies... *wink wink*

Girl: This twig so does not have abbs... UGH *Sigh*
by MasterofMS January 19, 2012
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A program created to lure wannabe artists into it to exploit its powers.
by Eddy Ed September 9, 2005
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when 1 or more images have been imposed badly over eachother. Such as a futurustic background which looks like it doesnt fit
1. Look at that bad photoshop
2. that backgrounds been badly photoshoped
by mintydog March 17, 2005
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Whenever someone looks great online thanks to today's technology, but in real life is a fucking hideous abomination upon the eyes of the human body.
Girl was a Photoshop Miracle she looked so much better online.
by Stephen James Hite December 15, 2007
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The ability to remember any photo that has entered Adobe Photoshop.
Sandy: I got 100% on my test!
Mary: OMG how??
Sandy: I put all my notes into photoshop and used my photoshopic memory to remember everything!
by Choysen October 6, 2011
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When a girl uses photo shop in order to digitize themselves to appear better to other people viewing their pictures on myspace/facebook.etc but in real life they dnt appear to look anything like the picture they have, they look much much worse.
tom: ay man this chick on myspace added me she looks really hot...i think i might meet her.

jeff: naw dude dnt be fooled shes a photoshop girl ... shes hella ugly in real life ive seen her...
by eddy6393 July 22, 2009
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Photoshop- the most famous photo editing software
IRL- "in real life"

The imaginary ability to use photoshop in everyday life for editing real life situations/ things you see
Ugh that chick's face is beat, I need to use my Photoshop IRL skills to crop Holly Madison's face onto her body!

Before we rob this bank we should use the blur tool in photoshop IRL to hide our identities.
by whitesnake20 February 10, 2010
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